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Burrowing Heaven Lobotomy

Meet The Burrowing Heaven: Lobotomy Corp's Most Terrifying Abnormality

The Burrowing Heaven: An Overview

The Burrowing Heaven is an Abnormality that appears in the game Lobotomy Corporation. It is a large, grotesque creature with a gaping maw and long, spindly arms. The Burrowing Heaven is capable of burrowing underground and moving quickly beneath the surface.

Abilities and Behavior

The Burrowing Heaven's primary ability is its ability to burrow underground. When it does this, it becomes invisible to the player and can move quickly around the facility. The Burrowing Heaven will only emerge from the ground to attack employees who are not looking at it. The Burrowing Heaven is a very dangerous Abnormality, and it is important to take precautions when interacting with it. Employees who are not looking at the Burrowing Heaven should be sacrificed to it, as this will prevent it from attacking.


The Burrowing Heaven is one of the most terrifying Abnormalities in Lobotomy Corporation. Its ability to burrow underground and attack unsuspecting employees makes it a formidable foe. It is important to be aware of the Burrowing Heaven's abilities and to take precautions when interacting with it.
